Empowering both
individuals and teams alike
in such a way that what once
seemed impossible


Empowering both
individuals and teams alike
in such a way that what once
seemed impossible





My name is Kenneth, and I am the CEO and founder of Authentik. Authentik is a brand whose sole purpose is to elevate the individual so that we, in turn, can elevate the comunity around us.

Whether you are connected with the Authentik family in pursuit of a healthier version of yourself, actively pursuing some from of physical competition, or engaged in our Authentik leadership programs, each client is given the tools to help grow areas that need improvement, sharpen current areas of strength, and adopt the skills required for making a goal into a reality.

I believe that by implementing the Authentik Method into team dynamics and elevating such issues as leadership, communication, cohesiveness, trust, vulnerability, willingness to fail, and buy-in, finding the greatest version of oneself can be done in a fraction of the time and with an exponential chance of having a lasting effect for future teams to come. We will build leaders, team players, and captains. We will build a family.





My name is Kenneth, and I am the CEO and founder of Authentik. Authentik is a brand whose sole purpose is to elevate the individual so that we, in turn, can elevate the comunity around us.

Whether you are connected with the Authentik family in pursuit of a healthier version of yourself, actively pursuing some from of physical competition, or engaged in our Authentik leadership programs, each client is given the tools to help grow areas that need improvement, sharpen current areas of strength, and adopt the skills required for making a goal into a reality.

I believe that by implementing the Authentik Method into team dynamics and elevating such issues as leadership, communication, cohesiveness, trust, vulnerability, willingness to fail, and buy-in, finding the greatest version of oneself can be done in a fraction of the time and with an exponential chance of having a lasting effect for future teams to come. We will build leaders, team players, and captains. We will build a family.




Our promise is to support our community in discovering, implementing, and taking action in areas that they have experienced adversity, not currently experiencing success, or are needing new tools, habits, or processes to help them achieve their greatest dreams.




Believe in you long enough, intensely enough, and thorough enough for you to start believing in yourself. Authentik was created with the purpose of empowering both individuals and teams alike in such a way that what once seemed impossible becomes possible.



1. We CARE - We care the way that you need to be cared for.

2. We LISTEN - We listen the way you need to be heard.

3. We LEARN - We learn to serve you better over time.




Our promise is to support our community in discovering, implementing, and taking action in areas that they have experienced adversity, not currently experiencing success, or are needing new tools, habits, or processes to help them achieve their greatest dreams.




Believe in you long enough, intensely enough, and thorough enough for you to start believing in yourself. Authentik was created with the purpose of empowering both individuals and teams alike in such a way that what once seemed impossible becomes possible.



1. We CARE - We care the way that you need to be cared for.

2. We LISTEN - We listen the way you need to be heard.

3. We LEARN - We learn to serve you better over time.




We believe that every individual, athlete, and team is unique in their own ways. Therefore, the most efficient way to provide you with habits, processes, and tools that will give you the best chance to produce results is by prescribing what is best according to the uniqueness of your individuals, athletes, and team a like.

From school assemblies, business board rooms, fields, courts, weight rooms, mats, and sales offices, no matter the location, I am committed to serving you and providing a process that will take you from where you are now to a place that you didn’t even know was possible.

In utilizing our programs, which include The Authentik Method for Team Dynamics, Mindset and Mental Performance, The “HUMAN CAPACITY” Conference, and B.E. Y.O.U. Coaching System, there will not be any area of your team that is not given the attention, time, and focus necessary to make interaction after interaction growth.

Teams with championship talent are not guaranteed to win. This is why the "underdog story" is even a thing.

The teams filled with "natural talent" that have no idea of who they are as a team, unfortunately, lose to teams with better leadership, trust, vulnerability, communication, and tools to overcome the adversities of being on a team. Most of the time, those teams have less natural talent and more of something connected to the heart of the team.

Whether business, high school sports, NCAA tournaments, The World Series, The Super Bowl, or The New York Stock Exchange, the true winners separate themselves with traits that you can’t always see. The champions have built something so sturdy, so dependable, so capable of performing under the greatest stresses that when the time comes that most individuals, athletes, teams would quit, they shift into an entirely new gear.



We believe that every individual, athlete, and team is unique in their own ways. Therefore, the most efficient way to provide you with habits, processes, and tools that will give you the best chance to produce results is by prescribing what is best according to the uniqueness of your individuals, athletes, and team a like.

From school assemblies, business board rooms, fields, courts, weight rooms, mats, and sales offices, no matter the location, I am committed to serving you and providing a process that will take you from where you are now to a place that you didn’t even know was possible.

In utilizing our programs, which include The Authentik Method for Team Dynamics, Mindset and Mental Performance, The “HUMAN CAPACITY” Conference, and B.E. Y.O.U. Coaching System, there will not be any area of your team that is not given the attention, time, and focus necessary to make interaction after interaction growth.

Teams with championship talent are not guaranteed to win. This is why the "underdog story" is even a thing.

The teams filled with "natural talent" that have no idea of who they are as a team, unfortunately, lose to teams with better leadership, trust, vulnerability, communication, and tools to overcome the adversities of being on a team. Most of the time, those teams have less natural talent and more of something connected to the heart of the team.

Whether business, high school sports, NCAA tournaments, The World Series, The Super Bowl, or The New York Stock Exchange, the true winners separate themselves with traits that you can’t always see. The champions have built something so sturdy, so dependable, so capable of performing under the greatest stresses that when the time comes that most individuals, athletes, teams would quit, they shift into an entirely new gear.



for Team Dynamics Program

(1 week – year long)


When it comes to performance, even the greats like Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, or Kobe Bryant had times in their career where their minds, hearts, souls, emotions, and mental stamina were the things that needed attention, not their skills. Sure each one of the key players on your team need to shoot more free throws, get in better shape, get stronger, jump higher, increase closing percentages, do more gen. lead, but if we aren’t elevating the thing in between their ears than we will making deposits with no return on investment.

As a coach, managing this for each of your players is difficult. If your players are not taught the skills, given the tools, or experience the support they need, your team's results will be affected by their lagging areas no matter how much time you spend practicing, working, drilling, brainstorming, or having meetings to address the problems.

The Authentik Method for Team Dynamics is our most in depth program we offer to teams. In this program, we assess the strengths and weaknesses of the team in its current state through a thorough test, assess, and implement process. The program's content is adaptable to your specific needs and is implemented through one-on-one time with leaders, education surrounding elevation and performance, team building activities, and workshops focusing on overcoming the boundaries to elevation I believe the team is experiencing.

The Authentik Method will elevate who your team is now into who your team could be in _______________________________

                                                  (you fill in that blank).

This product could play out in such
scenarios as:


• Online style Zoom class

• Coaches clinics

• Personally traveling to your location for a camp style retreat

• Conferences

• Personally traveling to a group conference or camp
with numerous teams / athletes / student body.

• Banquets

• Combination of these services over a time period

• Education expos

• School Assemblies

• Key Note

• Real Estate Brokerages

• Sales forces

• Teachers groups and/or associations

• Employee enrichment

• Employee trainings

• Personally traveling to a group conference or camp
with numerous teams / athletes / student body.


High Impact Athlete Coaching


When it comes to performance, even the greats like Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, or Kobe Bryant had times in their career where their minds, hearts, souls, emotions, and mental stamina were the things that needed attention, not their skills.

As a coach, managing this for each of your players is difficult. If your players are not taught the skills, given the tools, or experience the support they need, your team's results will be affected.

By utilizing our High Impact Athlete Coaching Program, we can build a bridge between the individual athlete or small athlete groups and future versions of these athletes that will ultimately bring you closer to your desired goal. Some examples include:

• Players in a slump
• Confrontations on a team
• Mindset in high-stress situations
• New captains of the team
• New big-time transfer

The options are endless if one of your athletes needs help in areas that have nothing to do with their skill set, as this could ultimately affect their performance and, thus, the team’s performance.


Coaching sessions and team building activities for disconnected teams


The most considerable difference between the teams who are capable of winning championships and fail and the teams who should not be capable of championships and win is found within the DNA of the team. There is something to be said about the teams who have overcome adversity, learned to love each other, shared a common enemy, and became a family. Those teams have BUILT what we see. It was not innate. They had to bleed, sweat, cry, laugh, hurt, and work for it.

Our BUILD YOUR TEAM program is constructed through four progressive steps:

1. Overcoming adversity
2. Finding your leaders and leading your leaders
3. Team language (Your team's version of their love languages)
4. Buy-in

Each step in the process is meant to guide the team members through the necessary adversities to create the championship version of themselves.


The “HUMAN CAPACITY” Conference (1-7 days)


Michael Jackson transformed music, Michael Jordan transformed basketball, Tiger Woods transformed golf, Navarro transformed cheer, Simone Biles transformed gymnastics, and Usain Bolt transformed track. There is something that is empowering about these performers being their Authentik selves, and, in them doing so, they empower us to be our Authentik selves, too. They are remembered as great because they elevated the standard for the thing they loved, they showed what HUMANS ARE CAPABLE OF. They made the people around them want to be better, actually made them better, and, in turn, made a ripple effect of making everyone else better, too. How is something like that possible for you? How can you leave an impact like that? Those things seem impossible to dream!


With our “HUMAN CAPACITY” Conference, we are able to:

• Challenge your beliefs that make it difficult for you to know what direction your Authentik self is calling you to.
• Empower you to search for your Authentik self.
• Teach you the tools that will help you navigate the adversities you will ultimately face while taking that journey towards your Authentik self.
• Teach you the skill of LOVING your Authentik self.
• Guide you through the necessary foundational steps to start your journey towards your Authentik self.

This product could play out in such
scenarios as:


• Online style Zoom class

• Coaches clinics

 • Personally traveling to your location for a camp style retreat

• Conferences

• Personally traveling to a group conference or camp
with numerous teams / athletes / student body.

• Banquets

• Combination of these services over a time period

• Education expos

 • School Assemblies

• Welcome students back to campus

• Real Estate Brokerages

• Key Note

• Teachers groups and/or associations

• Sales forces

• Employee trainings

• Employee enrichment 


B.E. Y.O.U. Conference and coaching system

B = Build a Big Dream : E = Education is a forever skill

Y = You are capable of anything : O = Own your relationships : Unmatched work ethic


Kenneth shares the raw truth of his journey

through the highs of college sports, the lows of drug addictions, the brokenness of homelessness, the damage of abuse, and, finally, his rejuvenating and empowering journey of self-help and personal elevation as a penetrating platform to lead teams down the path towards the greatest version of themselves.

This is a motivational and educational conference where tools and lots of takeaways will be given so that attendees who implement will be able to elevate their results, both individually and as teams. We can adapt the content and duration of the conference according to the objectives of the event and the audience.


This product could play out in such
scenarios as:


• Online style Zoom class

• Coaches clinics

• Personally traveling to your location for a camp style retreat

• Conferences

• Personally traveling to a group conference or camp
with numerous teams / athletes / student body.

• Banquets

• Combination of these services over a time period

• Education expos

• School Assemblies

Key Note

• Real Estate Brokerages

• Sales forces

• Teachers groups and/or associations

• Employee enrichment

• Employee trainings

• Personally traveling to a group conference or camp
with numerous teams / athletes / student body.


for Team Dynamics Program

(1 week – year long)


When it comes to performance, even the greats like Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, or Kobe Bryant had times in their career where their minds, hearts, souls, emotions, and mental stamina were the things that needed attention, not their skills. Sure each one of the key players on your team need to shoot more free throws, get in better shape, get stronger, jump higher, increase closing percentages, do more gen. lead, but if we aren’t elevating the thing in between their ears than we will making deposits with no return on investment.

As a coach, managing this for each of your players is difficult. If your players are not taught the skills, given the tools, or experience the support they need, your team's results will be affected by their lagging areas no matter how much time you spend practicing, working, drilling, brainstorming, or having meetings to address the problems.

The Authentik Method for Team Dynamics is our most in depth program we offer to teams. In this program, we assess the strengths and weaknesses of the team in its current state through a thorough test, assess, and implement process. The program's content is adaptable to your specific needs and is implemented through one-on-one time with leaders, education surrounding elevation and performance, team building activities, and workshops focusing on overcoming the boundaries to elevation I believe the team is experiencing.

The Authentik Method will elevate who your team is now into who your team could be in ____________________________

(you fill in that blank).

This product could play out in such scenarios as:

• Online style Zoom class
• Personally traveling to your location for a camp- style retreat
• Personally traveling to a group conference or camp with numerous teams / athletes / student body
• Combination of these services over a time period
• School assemblies
• Real Estate Brokerages
• Teachers group and/or associations
• Employee trainings
• Coaches Clinics
• Conferences
• Banquets
• Education expos
• Key Note
• Sales forces
• Employee enrichment


High Impact Athlete Coaching


When it comes to performance, even the greats like Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, or Kobe Bryant had times in their career where their minds, hearts, souls, emotions, and mental stamina were the things that needed attention, not their skills.

As a coach, managing this for each of your players is difficult. If your players are not taught the skills, given the tools, or experience the support they need, your team's results will be affected.

By utilizing our High Impact Athlete Coaching Program, we can build a bridge between the individual athlete or small athlete groups and future versions of these athletes that will ultimately bring you closer to your desired goal. Some examples include:

• Players in a slump
• Confrontations on a team
• Mindset in high-stress situations
• New captains of the team
• New big-time transfer

The options are endless if one of your athletes needs help in areas that have nothing to do with their skill set, as this could ultimately affect their performance and, thus, the team’s performance.


Coaching sessions and team building activities for disconnected teams


The most considerable difference between the teams who are capable of winning championships and fail and the teams who should not be capable of championships and win is found within the DNA of the team. There is something to be said about the teams who have overcome adversity, learned to love each other, shared a common enemy, and became a family. Those teams have BUILT what we see. It was not innate. They had to bleed, sweat, cry, laugh, hurt, and work for it.

Our BUILD YOUR TEAM program is constructed through four progressive steps:

1. Overcoming adversity
2. Finding your leaders and leading your leaders
3. Team language (Your team's version of their love languages)
4. Buy-in

Each step in the process is meant to guide the team members through the necessary adversities to create the championship version of themselves.


The “HUMAN CAPACITY” Conference (1-7 days)


MMichael Jackson transformed music, Michael Jordan transformed basketball, Tiger Woods transformed golf, Navarro transformed cheer, Simone Biles transformed gymnastics, and Usain Bolt transformed track. There is something that is empowering about these performers being their Authentik selves, and, in them doing so, they empower us to be our Authentik selves, too. They are remembered as great because they elevated the standard for the thing they loved, they showed what HUMANS ARE CAPABLE OF. They made the people around them want to be better, actually made them better, and, in turn, made a ripple effect of making everyone else better, too. How is something like that possible for you? How can you leave an impact like that? Those things seem impossible to dream!


With our “HUMAN CAPACITY” Conference, we are able to:

• Challenge your beliefs that make it difficult for you to know what direction your Authentik self is calling you to.
• Empower you to search for your Authentik self.
• Teach you the tools that will help you navigate the adversities you will ultimately face while taking that journey towards your Authentik self.
• Teach you the skill of LOVING your Authentik self.
• Guide you through the necessary foundational steps to start your journey towards your Authentik self.

This product could play out in such scenarios as:

• Online style Zoom class
• Personally traveling to your location for a camp- style retreat
• Personally traveling to a group conference or camp with numerous teams / athletes / student body
• Combination of these services over a time period
• School assemblies
• Real Estate Brokerages
• Teachers group and/or associations
• Employee trainings
• Coaches Clinics
• Conferences
• Banquets
• Education expos
• Welcome students back to campus
• Key Note
• Sales forces
• Employee enrichment

B.E. Y.O.U. Conference and coaching system

B = Build a Big Dream : E = Education is a forever skill

Y = You are capable of anything : O = Own your relationships : Unmatched work ethic


Kenneth shares the raw truth of his journey

through the highs of college sports, the lows of drug addictions, the brokenness of homelessness, the damage of abuse, and, finally, his rejuvenating and empowering journey of self-help and personal elevation as a penetrating platform to lead teams down the path towards the greatest version of themselves.

This is a motivational and educational conference where tools and lots of takeaways will be given so that attendees who implement will be able to elevate their results, both individually and as teams. We can adapt the content and duration of the conference according to the objectives of the event and the audience.


This product could play out in such scenarios as:

• Online style Zoom class
• Personally traveling to your location for a camp- style retreat
• Personally traveling to a group conference or camp with numerous teams / athletes / student body
• Combination of these services over a time period
• School assemblies
• Real Estate Brokerages
• Teachers group and/or associations
• Employee trainings
• Coaches Clinics
• Conferences
• Banquets
• Education expos
• Key Note
• Sales forces
• Employee enrichment




• Our commitment is to your growth. We are authentically elevation and performance obsessed. Growth is in our DNA.

• Our ability to adapt our services makes us capable of addressing your unique needs so you can achieve the goals that are meaningful for your program.

• Our experience and history as athletes, coaches, and entrepreneurs gives us the opportunity to share everything we have learned from different perspectives.

If this speaks to you, we are cut from the same cloth, and, that's why Authentik. That's why I will impact your community and that's why Authentik is built for your program.




• Our commitment is to your growth. We are authentically elevation and performance obsessed. Growth is in our DNA.

• Our ability to adapt our services makes us capable of addressing your unique needs so you can achieve the goals that are meaningful for your program.

• Our experience and history as athletes, coaches and entrepreneurs gives us the opportunity to share everything we have learned from different perspectives.

If this speaks to you, we are cut from the same cloth, and, that's why Authentik. That's why I will impact your community and that's why Authentik is built for your program.

Contact us

[email protected]

Contact us

[email protected]